Friday, May 16, 2014

How would you respond??

God is in control, God has a plan and I know that all things work together for good to them that love God.  I kept repeating this to myself this morning.  Why, you ask?

I was scheduled to re-take my drivers theory test this morning at 8:00AM.  Sarah and I were in Rome until yesterday evening
Inside the coliseum 

At Trevi Fountain
(we had an AWESOME time, more pics to follow) and we needed to come back a day early because of my test.  Remember, there is only one testing date per month when a translator can be present.  I need to have my license before July 2, so I need to "get 'er done".

I got up at 5:30 to drive David to work.  I drove back into the city and arrived at the testing location at about 7:25.  I sat in the car  reviewing the materials for about 20 minutes, then went inside and waited for my translator (Sheila) to arrive.  (This is my second translator as the first one, Pam, was unavailable for this testing date)

At 7:55 a "harried" woman came in and I offered a "Sheila?".  Yes, it was her.  She then began to explain that she had stayed at a friend's house last evening so that she would be closer to the testing location and wouldn't be late due to morning traffic.  She had left her friend's apartment this morning, armed the security alarm and then realized that she had left her "translators license" inside her friend's apartment.

THAT'S A PROBLEM!!!  I have been here long enough to know that the French bureaucracy would never let her in the testing room without proper documentation….heck, they barely let ME in with a "temporary" visa.  She apologizes profusely and heads into the testing room to talk with the testing official.

NOPE!  No can do.  She feels bad, she says it over and over, she looks like she might be sick.  What can I say?  I mean, who hasn't made a "mistake" that has caused someone else misfortune?  I tell her that it's ok, I use it as an opportunity to let her know that I believe that "all things work together for good".

I send her on her way and wait for another 45 minutes until I can enter the testing room and attempt to take the test in French.  Avant, apres, croisement, à gauche, à droit……what do all of these words mean????  Will I be able to translate enough of them in my mind so that I can pass this test????  Will I even be able to activate my remote without the test proctor giving me a "death glare" because of my inability to understand him?

Have you ever had a test and not been prepared?  I can honestly say that I have NEVER felt totally unprepared for a test before.  I've never felt that "sick to my stomach, I should've studied more" feeling.  I experienced it today when I waited for the test to begin. All I could do was trust God for the outcome….I couldn't change anything, I didn't plan to take the test in French and He wasn't surprised by Sheila forgetting her license.

60 minutes later and it was over.  Did I pass?  Who knows.  I will find out on Monday.  Thankfully,  I could read about 80% of the questions.  (That would be 32 out of 40)  I definitely had to quasi "guess" on what those last 20% said.

I came home and tried to remember words from the questions that I couldn't understand.  I think that my "guesser" was pretty good today.  On maybe 3 or 4 I was able to understand enough of the question context to guess the correct response.  But remember, I can only miss a total of 5.

I sure hope that I pass…..then David can't boast about passing his test in French and that I had to do it with a translator.  But, if I don't then there will always be next month.  Though I'm not sure that "Sheila" will be joining me in June!

We are off to Switzerland for the weekend, hopefully, to tackle a hang gliding experience in the Alps.  (Sorry Pug)  The forecast is showing 25 degrees and 80% chance of snow, so that may not happen.  At least I can count on some cheese fondue for dinner and a beautiful view of the Alps from my warm hotel if it doesn't.

Have a great weekend, and Praise God in all of your circumstances…after all, most of the time we can't change them, we can only control our reaction to them.  I think that's where the phrase "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" comes from :)


1 comment:

  1. Oh no! That's terrible. Well, it is what it is. What an experience you having.
