Friday, November 20, 2015

"AT WAR" in France

We had just arrived home from an exciting win for our SIG basket team over Real Madrid.  David was tired after a long work week and was ready to head to bed.  I was checking my email.  I'll be honest, we NEVER check the news happening here in Europe.  Luckily, David's brother/sister/mother are news junkies.  David received a message from his brother Michael asking where we were....something was going on in Paris.  Normally, we would just go to bed and check in the morning, but we turned on CNN and watched in horror as the events of the Paris attacks were being reported.

That was a week ago today.  Much has happened in 7 days.  Even in the relatively small town of Strasbourg there have been raids and arrests. Instead of seeing 3 military personnel carrying uzis, now there are groups of 6 patrolling the streets.  There is a Turkish embassy one block from our apartment.  Military are stationed on each corner of the block.  Trash cans have clear liners hanging from the OUTSIDE of the cans to prevent explosives from being thrown inside and hurting passersby.
The borders are now "closed", meaning it's no longer a unfettered crossing, but police checking cars, bikes and pedestrians as they come and go from France.

As I've written before, we are known as Strasbourg capitale de Noël.  (you can click on the link to read more)  Our Christmas market is set to open the Friday after Thanksgiving.  There is a huge tree lighting ceremony.  Earlier this week there was a vote by local officials as to whether the market would happen this year. (The vote was yes, it will) Let me just say, if terrorists are looking for a "soft target", I'm living in the middle of one during the month of December.

crowds from last year's market in front of the cathedral
While much of the world is "Praying for Paris", others are not.  During the soccer match between Greece and Turkey fans booed during the moment of silence.  Last night David and I attended another basketball game between the SIG and Belgrade.  After the moment of silence, the crowd began to sing the French national anthem, "La Marseillaise" . David and I were stunned as the large section of Belgrade fans began to sing THEIR national anthem.  It didn't seem like a spontaneous action, rather a planned "attack" if you will.  Karma "got em" though, Le SIG came back from a 21 point deficit to win the game!!  Allez le SIG!!

Should I operate from a place of fear?  I think not.  God's plan for me cannot be altered. (Jeremiah 29:11) If it is my time to meet my Saviour, I will be taken home whether I am inside my apartment (cowering from possible threats) or walking along the streets of France.  Case in point, have you seen the video from the Paris café?  The one where the shooter is standing over a woman and either his gun jams or he runs out of bullets?  He absolutely intended to kill her, but it was obviously not "her time" to meet her maker.  I pray that she has had a "moment with God" after that encounter. (here is the link) 

I won't go into the politics of the US entering the fight.  I only say, please don't be fooled into thinking that the violence "is far away".  I praise the military men and women who fight for my safety and for the opportunity that my children have had to live in a free country.  Can you imagine living a life as a mother trying to protect her children from the atrocities happening in Syria and other parts of the world?   I cannot.  It breaks my heart.  Even so, come Lord, Jesus.

As we enter the week of the Thanksgiving holiday, I pray that you will consider the blessings that you have and be thankful for each of them.  While France does not celebrate/recognize this holiday, there are many families who now wish one of their "blessings" were still with them.

Take a break from the hustle and bustle, don't fall prey to the "gotta have it" mentality that advertisers will throw at you in the coming weeks.  You can't buy the "real" things that will make you happy, the things that will make your life more complete.  Those are the PEOPLE in your life.  Be sure to let them know that they MATTER.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all.  

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