Just wondering, because I am somewhat OCD about travel. I admit to having an "OIB packing list" file on my computer. (Ocean Isle Beach) Why? Because our family has traveled to the same place in North Carolina for 18+ years of my married life (August 2014 too) and I certainly don't want to forget the crabbing buckets, the flashlights, or the bug spray. The list has certainly been edited over the years….no more "nets" to catch small "rocket fish" in the tide pools or sand toys. Now it has iPods, Euchre cards and golf clubs.
David and I made a travel "bucket list" at the end of last year. We decided that we needed to be intentional about our time here in Europe so that we didn't miss our opportunities to travel before our time here is "up". And since we aren't exactly sure how long we'll be here, sooner is better than later.
When I travel in the US, it's fairly easy and straight forward. I hop on the internet, check out the "scores/reviews/locations" for lodging choices (we usually always stay at a Marriott….membership has it's privileges) and then either map quest the location for a drive or start the flight search/rental car options if we need to fly. Pretty easy, somewhat time consuming, but something that I enjoy doing….did I mention that I am a control freak?
As you might know (if you are an avid blog reader), we just returned from a whirlwind trek into Austria and the Czech Republic. We took our car, so that trip was easy-peasy. Our faithful GPS took us directly to our hotel and our feet did the rest. I simply did some "hotel" surfing and checked into the tours available at each stop.
Tomorrow is a holiday in France. It's Labour Day. When the holiday is on a Thursday, many of the French people will take Friday off as well. They call this Le Pont, or the bridge, and it gives them a 4 day weekend. (same thing if the holiday falls on a Tuesday) It happens that NEXT Thursday is also a holiday….it's Victory Day (commemorating the end of WWII) here in Europe….I don't think that our neighbors (Germany) get that one off….at least I've never heard them refer to a "We lost day".
So basically, David has a 4 day weekend the next two weeks. Add to that, Sarah is coming on May 12th and will stay until the 27th and our entire month of May is travel. Where should we go?? What can we "check off" our list?? Oh my goodness!! Can you imagine our possibilities? I mean we can fly to Greece for only $106 per person ROUND TRIP, or maybe Croatia, that'll run you $160 pp. Too much? We can go to the south of France for $91pp or maybe Barcelona for $95pp. You get the idea.
I have spent countless HOURS of time on the computer researching destinations, looking at flights, checking hotels, pricing tours and checking the weather…it's exhausting. I AM NOT COMPLAINING….we are blessed to have this opportunity, but I have a crick in my neck from being on my computer so long!
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Oh, the places you'll go….. |
Next week David and I are flying to Corsica. Our roundtrip airfare was a whopping $230. I first had to do a "top ten" search on the island so that we could decide what location to book our hotel in and then we had to rent a car (several search engines to find the cheapest option). We leave Wednesday night and arrive back on Sunday morning.
I will get up early Monday morning and drive to the Frankfurt airport to pick up Sarah at 7AM. She and I will get back to the apartment, drop off her luggage and take a taxi to the Strasbourg train station. From there, we will take the train to Basel, Switzerland where we will somehow get from the train station to the airport and board a plane to Rome. ($274) Try "scheduling" that day…..we literally have about 30 minutes of wiggle room. Please pray for no traffic accidents on the autobahn! By the way, do you know how many hotels are in Rome? Upwards of 3500, now you know why my head has been spinning!
Sarah and I will work this trip "backward" on Thursday evening. I get to take my driver's test again on Friday morning (8AM) and then we will leave via car for Switzerland with David that evening. Drive back on Sunday night and then stay put for 3 days….AND if we all survive the hang gliding excursion over the Swiss Alps I will find out if I passed my test.
Wednesday, Sarah and I will take the train to Baden-Baden, Germany and board a flight to Palma Mallorca, Spain. David will follow on Friday (too bad he has to work to finance these trips). We all fly back on Monday night and then I will drive Sarah back to the Frankfurt airport on Tuesday morning.
Are you exhausted? Catch your breath, cause then we have to leave again on June 7th for a business meeting in Puerto Rico. We will get back on June 15th and I will have 3-4 boys from Harvard's "Din and Tonics" jazz a capella group staying at our apartment for the week.
I will boot them out, launder their sheets and clean the apartment for our next set of visitors….David's brother, Michael, and his family. Since I helped Cheryl purchase/reserve their train tickets from Strasbourg into Paris and then from Paris into the Normandy region, I know she can appreciate how difficult it is to juggle the different transportation sites…especially when they aren't in English :)
That puts us into July and so far, I haven't had the energy to "plan" another trip here in Europe. Feel free to give me your suggestions….especially if you have already done the research and can recommend which hotels to stay in and what tours are a MUST DO.
Wishing you all at least ONE trip in the coming months. God has blessed us with an incredible planet full of majestic sites that declare His glory….I hope that you take the opportunity to enjoy his wondrous works.
Wasp dudes! Awesome stuff keep it up. central asia tourism